- 1995 Ph.D. (Art History), Graduate Center, City University of New York. Dissertation: “John Twachtman (1853–1902) and the American Scene in the Late Nineteenth Century: The Frontier within the Terrain of the Familiar.” (Committee: William H. Gerdts; H. Barbara Weinberg; Barbara Gallati).
- 1983 Master of Arts (Visual Art Administration), New York University.
- 1979 Bachelor of Arts (Art History), Colorado College. Departmental Honors for thesis: Ernest Blumenschein (1874–1960).
- Independent scholar/art historian, specializing in art of the United States, colonial to the present; writing, research, and documentation for museums, galleries, collectors, and journals.
- Author, John Henry Twachtman Catalogue Raisonné, published by the Greenwich Historical Society (jhtwachtman.org).
- September 2013– December 2019. St. Joseph’s University, Brooklyn. Lecturer.
Art 201—Renaissance through Impressionism: Fall 2013; Spring 2014; Fall 2014; Spring 2015; Spring 2018
Art 202—History of Modern Art: Spring 2014; Spring 2016; Spring 2017
Art 215—Art in American Life: Fall 2013; Fall 2014; Fall 2015; Fall 2017; Fall 2018; Fall 2019
Art 200—Prehistoric through Medieval: Spring 2016
Art 101—Prehistoric through Medieval: Fall 2016
Hon 100—Honors Seminar—Art and Gender: Fall 2017
- January 2017– December 2018. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Assistant visiting professor.
HA 112—Themes in Art and Culture II: Spring 2017; Fall 2017; Fall 2018 (2 sections)
HA 111—Themes in Art and Culture I: Fall 2017; Fall 2018 (2 sections)
- January–May 2015. Fashion Institute of Technology, New York. State University of New York. Adjunct assistant professor.
HA 314—History of American Art: Spring 2015
HA 112—European Art, 1300–1800: Fall 2015
- January–May 2013. City College, City University of New York. Adjunct assistant professor.
A-6410-Graduate Seminar: American Art, Colonial–1900
- September 2008–June 2010. Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science, and Engineering, New York (in partnership with Columbia University, New York). Instructor, Creative Arts Program. Egyptian Art, fall 2008 and spring 2009; Famous Artists, fall 2009; Art and Nature, fall 2010; American Art: Selected Topics, spring 2010.
- February 1985–January 1986. Hunter College, New York. Teaching assistant.
Undergraduate art history survey.
- October 2012–13. Research consultant for auctions of Spanierman art at Doyle, New York.
- September 2012–18. New York Presbyterian—Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York. Art consultant for the Medical Center’s portrait collection. Prepared research, wall labels, and a catalogue on portraits from the late 1700s through the present of the Medical Center’s doctors and presidents.
- December 1985–October 2012. Spanierman Gallery, LLC, New York. Director of research and publications. Research and writing on American art, colonial era to the present, for publications, exhibitions, web, press, and clients.
- 1988–91. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Public Programs Department. Gallery lecturer on American art. Gallery talks on American Impressionism; American still-life painting; Late nineteenth-century American portrait painting; Woman as subject and object in American late nineteenth-century painting; Winslow Homer; and American genre painting.
- July 1984–January 1986. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, New York. Project coordinator. Completed a survey and evaluation of art-related papers in New York public and private institutions, funded by the Robert Lehman Foundation.
- June 1981–March 1983. Print Collector’s Newsletter, New York. Assistant editor. Edited scholarly articles; wrote book reviews and news articles, and supervised advertising.
- 1980–81. Light Gallery, New York. Assistant.
- February 1980–June 1981. Creative Artists Public Service Program, New York State Council on the Arts, New York. Curatorial coordinator and slide registry manager. Curated exhibitions and managed a slide library/resource center. Devised a catalogue system for work of contemporary New York artists.
- September 1979–February 1980. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Development office assistant. Organized the museum’s membership program and trained museum volunteers.
- June 1979–August 1979. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Curatorial office intern (for curators Dorothy Kozinski, Linda Shearer, and Angelica Rudenstine). Responsibilities included collection and exhibition research and gallery talks.
- Fall 1978–spring 1979. Intern. Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Assisted curator on exhibition of the work of Ernest Blumenschein.
- Fall 1977. Smith-Anderson Gallery, Palo Alto, California. Intern for Paula Kirkeby during semester break from college. Created brochure for Palo Alto sculpture for Palo Alto Art Center.